
Malaria remains a major public health challenge especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) including Nigeria. Nigeria bears a disproportionately high share of the global malaria disease burden. In 2015, Sub-Saharan Africa bore about 88% of the global share of malaria cases and accounted for about 90% of malarial deaths (World Malaria report, 2015).
Nigeria accounts for about 25% of Africa’s malaria disease burden. About 11% of all child deaths worldwide are estimated to occur in Nigeria. (NDHS, 2013).
BCHDI has tested and provided chemoprohylaxis to over 3,000 pregnant women, to combat malaria in pregnancy. We currently have an annual project which makes provision for rapid malaria testing and chemoprohylaxis treatment in pregnant women.
We aim to embark on a quarterly malaria prevention scheme across schools in Lagos state (public and private), to ensure that about 70% of Lagos state children under the age of 10 would have been fully administered malaria prevention drugs.
We look forward to partnering with organizations in ensuring 50% of coastal residents in Lagos state have their families protected from malaria through the Indoor Residual Spraying technique.
BCHDI wishes to partner with multinationals and local organizations in providing workplace malaria programmes and schemes to ensure maximum productivity and profits for their organizations.
1 Monitoring
Monitor the nutritional status of the mother and child
2 Counseling
Provide ongoing counseling and educational support